
Thursday, August 10, 2017


Within these walls..
Alot seen alot heard..
Life began life ended..
So many stories
So many atrocities. .
If only the walls could speak all they have listened..
What would it be?

Within these walls..
Alot gathered. .not from crumbs not from the gutters..
So many darkness..
So much lightness..
If only the walls could speak..

All that it had heard..
What in heaven’s name could it be?

Within these walls..
Alot it had noticed..
Mistakes and perfections..
So many hurts..
So much laughter..
If only it could trully speak..
All it has grown accustomed to hearing ..
I so wonder what it would tell us.?

Within these walls..
Where every man , woman and child..
Life, death and afterlife..
Stood, sat, brushed past or never was..
Alot it witnessed..
Alot it understood. .
Eyes blinking. .
Words muted..
Ears prickly. ..

Because. ..If only it could speak..
All that it had heard and seen..
So much it could tell us..
To either make or break us..
To amend or to change us.
To curse or to embrace. Us.
All that we have learnt..and left past tense.
In this life’s terrain…in our hopes and maybe much needed grace..

Oh within these walls
If only the walls could hear or speak…there is so much it could share..and so much we would need to listen..and so many things to be ashamed of…
Because it would play for us..

The start and end of us…
If only the walls could speak..
It would tell us what’s unheard of..
I wonder what it could be???

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